
Day to Day Headaches | Saturday Night Joke Time

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day to Day Headaches - Funny Images, and Event (February)

And For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Kanye oh you!"

"His BF expression says it all"

"Guess who's not wearing proper uniform"

"Testing Mail man"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Advance Throwback thursday"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 17

In Italy

1911 Italy Madame Butterfly Feb. 17th, 1911 : Puccini's opera 'Madame Butterfly' which tells the story of an American sailor, B.F. Pinkerton, who marries and abandons a young Japanese geisha, Cio-Cio-San, or Madame Butterfly has its world premiere at La Scala in Milan, Italy.


Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"OCD Medicines"

"I don't want to live in this planet anymore"

"Yami knows what's coming"

"That's the evilest thing that I can imagine"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Close enough"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 16

In Japan

World 2005 World The Kyoto accord 16th February, 2005 : The Kyoto accord, which aims to curb the air pollution blamed for global warming, has come into force seven years after it was agreed. The 141 countries who have signed the accord have pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2% by 2012. The US the world's top polluter has not signed up to the treaty as the new emissions targets would be too costly to introduce.


Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"The Morning quote"

"I lol"

"Hitchhiker Turtle"

"The right answer"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:


There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 15


1971 England D Day introduces Decimal Currency 15th February, 1971 : The UK banks will reopen today as the British Government launches the changeover to the new decimal currency system across the country.
The familiar pound (£), shilling (s) and pence (d) coins are to be phased out over the next 18 months
The new currency has been in circulation since 1968 but prices have still been marked in shillings and pence
The new system will divide the pound into units of ten, including half, one, two, five, ten and 50 pence denominations. ( The 20 pence piece was not introduced until 1982. )
Below is Rough Conversion Guide
The New 1 Pound Coin = 1 Old Pound = 20 Shillings = 240 old pence
The New 50 Pence Coin = 10 shillings = 120 old pence
The New 20 Pence Coin = 4 shillings = 48 old pence
The New 10 Pence Coin = 2 shillings = 24 old pence
The new 5 Pence = One Shilling or 12 old Pence
The old tanner 6 old pence will not be replaced

The old Half Crown = 2 shillings and 6 pence will not be replaced


Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"You're so cute"

"Well that escalated quickly"


"Well that escalated quickly part 2"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Wow, so many &(*&(*&"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 14


U.S. 1920 U.S.A. League of Women Voters Saturday, Feb. 14th, 1920 : The League of Women Voters is founded by Carrie Chapman Catt in Chicago during the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association.

Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Caption Pls!"


"Wow, that escalated quickly!"

"Trolling, your doing it right!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"That's what I Loved in Futurama"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 13

In Israel

1955 Israel Dead Sea Scrolls 13th February, 1955 : Israel has bought four Dead Sea scrolls written at various times between the middle of the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. from the Syrians for $250,000. The scrolls together with many others discovered in 11 caves in and around the Wadi Qumran are now housed with many others at the Shrine of the Book, a wing of the Israel Museum near Givat Ram in western Jerusalem, Find More What happened in 1955

__________________________________________________________________________________And For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Caption Pls!"


"Wow, that escalated quickly!"

"Trolling, your doing it right!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"That's what I Loved in Futurama"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 13

In Israel

1955 Israel Dead Sea Scrolls 13th February, 1955 : Israel has bought four Dead Sea scrolls written at various times between the middle of the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. from the Syrians for $250,000. The scrolls together with many others discovered in 11 caves in and around the Wadi Qumran are now housed with many others at the Shrine of the Book, a wing of the Israel Museum near Givat Ram in western Jerusalem, Find More What happened in 1955


Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Army Career Center"

"I Lol'd!"

"Well played horse!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"How other's prepare for valentines"

"What I prepare for valentines"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 12

In China

China 1912 China Last Emperor of China Feb. 12th, 1912 : Hsian-T'ung, the last emperor of China, is forced to abdicate following Sun Yat-sen's republican revolution, ending 267 years of Manchu rule in China and 2,000 years of imperial rule. 1912


Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Burn Them"

"Yes, I exist"

"The delivery person"

"Denver's skyline right now"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Who couldn't remember this guy?"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 8

In Ireland

1983 Ireland Shergar Stolen 8th February, 1983 : Shergar is stolen from a stud farm owned by the Aga Khan in County Kildare, Ireland. The five-year-old thoroughbred stallion was worth $13.5 million and commanded stud fees of approximately $100,000. Shergar was never seen again and no ransom was paid and the case was never solved.


Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Who buys an ostrich?"

"Cement block for sale"

"Wow that was so accurate!"

"Plan of the day!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Advertising your doing it right!"

There you have it our funniest image of the day

Today's Historic Event

February 7

In Switzerland

Switzerland 1971 Switzerland Women Get The Vote Feb. 7th, 1971 : Women in Switzerland were granted the right to vote today there are only five other countries who still continue to bar women from the polls, the Arab states of Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and tiny Liechtenstein. 


Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Ikea instructions while high"

"This is what happen to cheetahs"

"Frodo you!"

"Found them!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Just act Natural!"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 9


UK 1979 UK Football Transfer Record Over a Million Feb. 9th, 1979 : England forward Trevor Francis signs for Brian Clough's Nottingham Forest side in Britain's first £1m transfer deal. 


And For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"My Spirit Animal"

"Ryan Reynolds Everyone"

"Breaking Bad"

"Love at first sight"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Getting Drunk"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 10

In Egypt

Egypt 2006 Egypt The discovery of a new tomb in the Valley of the Kings Feb. 10th, 2006 : An ancient Egyptian tomb has been discovered in the Valley of the Kings. This is the first since King Tutankhamun's was found in 1922. University of Memphis archaeologists have uncovered the previously unknown tomb, which has sarcophagi and five mummies inside of it. The archaeologists have not been able to identify them, but one of Egypt's chief archaeologists has said that they 'might be royals or nobles' and been moved from their 'original graves to protect them from grave robbers.'

February 11

And For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Winnie the Pooh"

"Well that escalated quickly"



And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"I want to lick you with the intensity"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

February 11

In Vatican City

1929 Italy Vatican City Feb. 11th, 1929 : The Lateran Treaty is signed, with Italy recognizing the independence and sovereignty of Vatican City. The agreements included a political treaty which created the state of the Vatican City and guaranteed full and independent sovereignty to the Holy See.

And For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day

"Police Dog attending citizens complaints"

"Wow that was fast!"

"Wow, so EVIL!"

"Oh, netflix you so silly!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Wow, Those laser are pretty cool!!!"

There you have it our funniest image of the day

Today's Historic Event

February 6


1964 England / France Channel Tunnel Thursday, Feb. 6th, 1964 : The British and French Governments announce commitment to build a tunnel under the English Channel. In 1984 Euro tunnel was selected to build the tunnel and The Channel Tunnel is finally opened in 1994. When completed The Channel Tunnel consists of three tunnels and is the longest undersea tunnel in the world, measuring 31 miles in total, with 24 miles under the sea. 

For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day


"Doodle eyes, Doodle eyes everywhere!"

"The no fuck unicorn!"

"Oh, the Irony!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"The plane's propeller"

There you have it our funniest image of the day

Today's Historic Event

February 5

In England

UK 1931 England Sir Malcolm Campbell Thursday, Feb. 5th, 1931 : Sir Malcolm Campbell set a new land speed record on Daytona Beach of 245 MPH with his racing machine Bluebird beating the previous record of 231 MPH by 14 MPH . The new record now stands at 245 MPH. 

For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day

At #5 "Parenting your doing it Right!"

At #4 "New office memo!"

At #3 "I thought you like Mark?"

At #2 "As a cat person, I find it hilarious"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"You dawg, Need some light"

There you have it our funniest image of the day

Today's Historic Event

February 4


U.S. 1920 U.S.A. Prohibition Wednesday, Feb. 4th, 1920 : Someone had stolen 21 barrels of whiskey which was held at a Pennsylvania brewery. The person who had taken this liquor was sentenced a fine of $7,000. This particular crime had taken place during the Prohibition Era, during a time when the sale of alcohol was not allowed. By the way, liquor licenses were still being granted during this time. However, beverages could not contain more than one-half percent of alcohol in them. 

For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day

At #5 "Dropping hints on Valentines day"

At #4 "Black Olives Matter!"

At #3 "oooOOOOO!"

At #2 "Advertising your doing it right!"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Seriously? They nailed it!"

There you have it our funniest image of the day

Today's Historic Event

February 3

In Soviet Russia

1973 Soviet Union Luna 21 Jan. 8th, 1973: Luna 21, a space probe that was not operated by humans, was sent out on this day. Eight days later it was reported and confirmed that this object did land on the moon. Television pictures were received on Earth as proof of this occurrence. 

For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day

At #5 "Wait, that's A!"

At #4 "Company slogan your doing it right"

At #3 "Parenting"

At #2 "You never learn your lesson's michael"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Your going to pay for this Hooman!"

There you have it our funniest image of the day

Today's Historic Event

February 2

In South Africa

South Africa 1990 South Africa Apartheid Friday, 2nd February, 1990 : President De Klerk of South Africa lifts the 30-year ban on leading anti-apartheid group the African National Congress ( ANC ) . He also stated the jailed ANC leader Nelson Mandela would be released. 

For Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day

At #5 "Oh, Hillary!"

At #4 "The I have nothing to do with my life face"

At #3 "I see what you did there"

At #2 "Tax Season"

And our funniest image of the day goes to:

"Fashion Everyone"

There you have it our funniest image of the day

Today's Historic Event

February 1

In Germany

1957 Germany Wankel engine Friday, 1st February, 1957 : The first working prototype of the Wankel engine runs at the NSU research and development department Versuchsabteilung TX in Germany. The best known current production car fitted with a Wankel engine is the Mazda RX-8, a sports car powered by a Wankel engine. 

Our funniest image of the day goes to:

Today's Historic Event

January 5

In the U.S.A 

Amelia Earhart is declared officially dead. No remains are ever found and circumstances of her disappearance are forever shrouded in mystery.

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