
Day to Day Headaches | Saturday Night Joke Time

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Day to Day Headaches : Freemasons Banned (August 17, 2016)

Today's World News

To Start off 

'Disciple of Jesus Christ' is not an occupation, Irish High Court rules

'The courts are not a playground in which litigants can amuse themselves at will,' says Mr Justice Richard Humphreys. Know more

Three more towns in France to join burkini banThree resorts in France were poised Tuesday to join three other seaside towns in banning the burkini, the full-body Islamic swimming garment that has sparked concern about religious extremism.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls also weighed in on the debate, lashing the wearing of the burkini as "not compatible with the values of France and the Republic" and saying he supported mayors who ban it if they acted in the public good. Know more

Poland approves bill outlawing phrase 'Polish death camps' : Cabinet approves legislation that could see someone imprisoned for three years for using phrase to refer to second world war concentration camps. Know more

Turkey to release 38,000 prisoners 'to make room for arrested coup plotters' Conditional release will not apply to those convicted of involvement in coup

Turkey has issued a decree for the conditional release of 38,000 prisoners in an apparent move to make space for thousands of people arrested as part of an investigation into last month's failed coup. Know more

French PM backs burkini bans as three more towns consider outlawing garments Manuel Valls says the swimsuits are based on the 'enslavement of women'

France’s Prime Minister has backed the banning of burkini swimsuits, saying they are not compatible with French values and are based on the “enslavement of women”.

His comments come after a series of towns in the Mediterranean coast announced a ban, citing security concerns following a summer marred by extremist attacks. Know more

Canadian Cops Want a Law That Forces People to Hand Over Encryption Passwords : Encryption tools that keep your digital communications hidden from prying eyes are becoming more widespread, and Canadian police say they need a law that compels people to hand over their passwords so cops can access those communications. Know more

The Netherlands is considering a ban on selling gas-powered cars in the next 10 yearsGasoline-powered cars may soon be a thing of the past. But the Netherlands wants to get there quicker.

The Dutch government is debating the possibility of banning new gas and diesel cars from 2025. The initial proposal, which was brought forward by the Labor Party, called for an outright ban of all petrol and diesel cars, but was eventually modified so the ban only affected the sale of new petrol and diesel cars. Traditional cars already in use will still run on the streets. Know more

Pesticides linked to ‘large-scale population extinctions’ of wild bees : Insects play a key role in pollination of crops but many species are believed to be in trouble

A major 18-year study has found evidence linking controversial "neonicotinoid" pesticides with “large-scale population extinctions” of wild bees for the first time. Know more

Hungry Venezuelans break into zoo and butcher animal for meatVenezuela’s worsening food shortages had tragic consequences for a rare show horse last weekend, when a group of intruders broke into the zoo, pulled the black stallion from its cage, then slaughtered it for meat.

Prosecutors say the crime occurred in the small hours of Sunday morning at Caracas’ Caricuao Zoo, when “several people” sneaked into the state-run park under the cover of darkness and busted into the stallion’s pen. The horse, the only one of its kind in the zoo, was then led to a more secluded area and butchered on the spot. Only its head and ribs were left behind in a gruesome pile for zookeepers to find after sunrise. Know more

There you have it our Top News of the day. 

Here's Our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

"Male model and Dork who wore it best"

"Wife not amused"

"I'm not saying they won't do this"

"Unrealistic beauty standards for men"

"Winning silver may not be enought for the supreme leader to keep me alive"

There you have it our Top 5 Most funniest image of the day.

Today's Historic Event

17th August 1935

Freemasons Banned  

Wilhelm Frick, Minister of the Interior in Germany, disbanded freemasonry in the Reich. Earlier secret police also dissolved the Confessional Synod, charging that it had lied to the people. The Nazis rule deepened the rift between church and state in Germany by wanting supremacy over state-run churches. 
That's all for today, Thank you. 

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